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Moving from Groupmail Desktop to Groupmail Web – FAQ

How much does Groupmail Web cost if I already use Groupmail Desktop?

All current Groupmail Desktop customers can obtain a discount on Groupmail Web for a limited time. Contact hello@groupmail.io to request discount.

Does the Groupmail Web replace our current Groupmail Desktop?

Nope. Your existing Groupmail Desktop account stays exactly the same. Both versions will live side by side as separate products. You can continue to use Groupmail Desktop, you can switch to Groupmail Web, or you can use both of them together. It’s up to you.

Do I get a Groupmail Web account automatically?

No. You only get a Groupmail Web account if you want one. If you don’t do anything, or you don’t care about Groupmail Web, everything remains the exact same for you. If you do want to try the new Groupmail Web, sign-up for your free account.

Are we going to be forced to move to Groupmail Web?

Nope. Switching to Groupmail Web is entirely optional for current Groupmail customers. No one is being forced to switch or even forced to try Groupmail Web. Groupmail Desktop is not going away. If you prefer Groupmail Desktop you can keep using Groupmail Desktop.

Can we try Groupmail Web with our current data to see what it’s like before deciding I want to switch?

Absolutely. If you’re a current Groupmail Desktop customer, start for free with Groupmail Web.

If I start using Groupmail Web, what happens to my current Groupmail Desktop account?

Nothing changes in your current account. All your data, contacts, messages, settings, and everything else are untouched. Everything is the same as it always was. Groupmail Desktop and Groupmail Web don’t share data – they are completely separate products. Changes in one won’t affect the other. You can keep using both together or pick one.

Can we use both Groupmail Desktop and Groupmail Web together?

Yes, if you’d like. For example, you can continue to use Groupmail Desktop for your existing lists and newsletters, while creating new ones in Groupmail Web. Or you can dive right into Groupmail Web and copy all your Groupmail Desktop data over. It’s entirely up to you. What you do in one won’t affect the other.

Can we move our data from one to the other?

Yes, you can import data from Groupmail Desktop into Groupmail Web and vice versa. You can choose which data you want to import. When you copy data from Groupmail Desktop to Groupmail Web, it remains in Groupmail Desktop for safe keeping. Nothing is deleted in your Groupmail Desktop account. This is the same if you copy data from Groupmail Web to Groupmail Desktop, it remains in Groupmail Web for safe keeping.

Is data shared/synced between the versions or are they separate? Do changes appear in accounts?

No. Data in Groupmail Desktop is separate from data in Groupmail Web. A change in one doesn’t affect the other. If you copy data from Groupmail Desktop into Groupmail Web, it’s just a copy – the original stays in Groupmail Desktop. If you decide to manage the data using Groupmail Web, the version in Groupmail Desktop stays just as it was before you copied it over.

Are the features in Groupmail Desktop and Groupmail Web the same? What’s different?

Groupmail Desktop and Groupmail Web are entirely different products. Groupmail Desktop is desktop software and Groupmail is a web-based system. They have a similar set of core features (contacts, messages, groups, editor, templates etc), but the features are executed differently in each product. Groupmail Web also includes dozens of new features that Groupmail Desktop doesn’t have, but it also doesn’t have some of the features that Groupmail Desktop has. You can learn more about Groupmail Web at: https://groupmail.io

If we use both, do we have to pay for both?

Yes. However all current Groupmail Desktop customers can obtain a discount on Groupmail Web for a limited time. Contact hello@groupmail.io to request discount.

If I don’t like Groupmail Web, can I switch back?

Regardless of what you do in Groupmail Web, all your data in Groupmail Desktop remains safe in Groupmail Desktop. If you try Groupmail Web, and you just don’t like it, you can just go back to using the Groupmail Desktop account you already had. You can just pick up where you left off. Everything that was there is still there – all your messages, data, contacts, etc.

Will you continue to improve Groupmail Desktop?

The majority of our design and development efforts moving forward will be focused on Groupmail Web, but we’ll continue to support Groupmail Desktop as long as customers continue using it. We expect that to be for many many years.

Where do I find Groupmail Desktop?

You can find everything you need for Groupmail Desktop at https://group-mail.com

Need help?

If you have any questions or need any help to get started, please reach out to us at hello@groupmail.io.

Updated on October 4, 2024

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