Create newsletters like a pro

Start sending beautifully designed emails today with our drag-and-drop editor and library of free templates.
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email newsletter software

Build Beautiful Emails

We make it easy for everyone to create and send beautifully designed emails that look amazing everywhere, including mobile.
Drag & Drop
You will love how easy is to to work with our drag & drop editor.
The quickest & easiest way to design elegant, mobile responsive emails.

Fast Design

Start with a blank canvas to build your email from scratch or kickstart your design process with one of our ready-to-go email templates.
See a selection of our newsletter templates
Beautiful templates
From simple to complex, you get a beautiful set of templates to begin.
Image library
Choose from over 500,000 high quality free images.

Advanced analytics to grow your business

Powerful reports to learn, refine, and optimize your email to grow your business. Learn more about your contacts.
email newsletter software analytics
Superpower analytics
Our reports will help you learn more about the behavior of your audience and discover what type of content to send.
Real-time reports
Real-time reports to organize, track, and build better relationships with your customers.
Know your audience
In just a few clicks, you can find out who opened your email, what they clicked and more.

Email newsletter software

Powerful list management
Groupmail includes everything you need to maintain, manage and grow your email list.
Private & secure
Your data is important to us. We ensure its security through strong encryption and stringent privacy measures.
Merge any of the details stored in your group to make your messages unique to each individual.
Image edit
No need for extra design work. You can edit and resize images with our built-in image editor.
Timelines monitor both campaign and individual data.
Automatically remove bounces and unsubscribe requests from your lists.

Easy to get started

And it’s free.
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